Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Temptress

Persuasion by my parents, and a horrible feeling that I was providing a tempting habitat for a vast number of creatures, unknowingly and dangerously bringing tears of joy to PETA campaigners, convinced me to clean my room yesterday. As I trekked through my personal Amazon, I stumbled upon a number of torn sheets of paper, which included my first stab at poetry. Though my handwriting remains undecipherable even to me, I could decode much of it, and this is how it goes...

Turning my head to the morning sun,
the sea I see stretching to the horizon.
The sea I see that I pledged to conquer,
the dream I sacrificed everything for.

In the sweet smell of the infinite waters
my stomach stopped to burn, my mind did turn,
away from hunger, away from thirst,
in happiness my heart threatened to burst.

Ominous signs that would end our tale,
we did see, but we had to sail.
Through the seething sea we did navigate,
Under clouds gray, warnings from fate.

As the ship took the storm's blows,
the deck boy in his ragged clothes
was taken into the sea's embrace,
a lover's hug in death's face.

Turning my head to the morning sun,
the sea I see stretching to the horizon.
The sea I see that I pledged to conquer,
the dream I sacrificed everything for.

Death shall come and go again,
I shall die in my lover's arms again.
Never shall I leave the infinite cycle
With the pledge to conquer unfulfilled


Anonymous said...

this was ur first stab @ poetry????!! itz in u...
feel lke readin it again an again...too temptin!!...rockin dude..rockin

Vishwanath said...

for a first shot... its bloody good... my first story was full of crap...

Laxmi said...

hey.. its been long since u posted.. so i tagged u! check my blog..

wildflower said...

this is too good to be anyone's first poem :) cool...also love the way it rhymes...impeccacle

satan' queen said...

First stab?! wonder bou the ones that followed! amazing poem...loved the way words flow...great work! keep scribbling!

satan' queen said...

lolz..thanks the mighty one! but the satan queen cnt b single...firmly holding d side of the satan himslf! ;)